Citizen's Police Review Board

As with any other police agency, the authority to discipline any member of the Naples Police Department lies with the Chief of Police. However, in Naples, we also have a review board which reviews and offers opinions on citizen complaints made against police officers once the matter is closed.  The Citizen's Police Review Board is comprised of volunteers who reside within the City of Naples and are appointed by City Council. While their role is advisory only, they act independently of the Chief of Police or anyone within the police department itself.  Once a citizen complaint against a member of the department has been completed, including discipline if deemed appropriate, the entire file is forwarded to the board for review during their next scheduled meeting.  During the meeting, a representative of the department's Professional Standards Division will be in attendance as a representative of the department. This representative will answer questions from board members during their review and fact-finding portion.  In addition, any person involved in the matter may offer their comments during the board's review. This includes the complainant, witnesses and the officer themselves if they choose. All appearances in front of the review board are strictly voluntary.  Upon completion of the board's review of a complaint, a written report will be created which outlines whether the board agrees or disagrees with the final outcome. If the board disagrees with how a complaint was handled, they may offer their opinion of what they felt should have been the appropriate outcome.