
The Planning Department is responsible for the City of Naples Comprehensive Plan, as well as the review process for granting zoning variances, planned developments, rezone requests and other land-use issues.

The City of Naples Planning Department is located at 295 Riverside Circle, just south of the Police Department. You can reach us by phone at 239-213-1050, or by email at Planningemail [at] (Planningemail[at]naplesgov[dot]com).

Zoning Map You may find the zoning district designations of a specific property by clicking on the zoning map and entering the address.  The City's Code of Ordinances, including the Land Development Code, is available at MuniCode.

Development Review Process
There are several processes for development review that may be required depending on the type and degree of development or redevelopment proposed within the City of Naples.  To determine the appropriate processes for a development, a pre-application meeting is required with Planning Department staff.  Submittals will not be considered officially accepted until staff has confirmed that they are complete.  Applications Materials and Fees list is available under Forms- Planning. 

Zoning Letters
Zoning letters may be requested by the property owner.  The City of Naples charges a fee for zoning confirmation letters of $200.


2024 Meeting Schedules:

Planning Advisory Board

Design Review Board