Exotic and Invasive Plants

Exotic and invasive plants can destroy native ecosystems, information on these plants can be found here. Invasive species such as Brazilian Pepper, Australian Pine and Melaleuca are found throughout the city and are encouraged to be removed and replaced with Florida-friendly landscaping. The planting of species in Categories I and II on the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council Invasive Plant List is discouraged. Pictures below show before and after a hedge of Brazilian Pepper was removed along a City lake bank.

Pre-removal of Brazilian PepperPost-removal of Brazilian PepperLake Manor in April 2017


Florida-Friendly Landscaping

Homeowners can learn how to Florida-friendly landscape here:

The Florida Yards & Neighborhoods Homeowner Program

The Florida Yards & Neighborhoods Handbook

The Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Guide to Plant Selection & Landscape Design

Build your own Florida-friendly yard (interactive)

WATER WISE Florida Landscapes