Right-of-Way (ROW)

Shall mean a public right-of-way, public easement, highway, street, bridge, roadway, or alley for which the City is the authority that has jurisdiction and control and may lawfully grant access pursuant to applicable law, and includes the ground surface, the air space over the ground surface and the area below the ground surface.  Right-of-way also means a strip of land dedicated as an easement or deeded in fee simple ownership to the public and accepted by the City, with such land being occupied or intended to be occupied by a street, driveway, access road, crosswalk, railroad, electric power line, oil or gas pipeline, street sign, street light, traffic signal, storm drainage system, water main, sanitary or storm sewer main, sidewalk, bicycle path, shared use path, or any similar conventional or special use or public infrastructure and facilities. Right-of-way shall not include private property with the exception of public easements.

For more information on right-of-ways (encroachment, building, and permitting), contact Alison Bickett at (239) 213-5014 or email abickett@naplesgov.com