Design Review Board


The purpose of the Design Review Board is to promote the public health, safety and general welfare by reviewing proposed petitions and recommending regulations necessary to: 

  • Preserve existing areas of natural beauty and cultural importance;
  • Assure that buildings and structures contribute in a positive way to the public environment of the city; 
  • Assure new structures are consistent with other provisions of the Code and promote the appearance, health, safety or general welfare of the community;  

What is design review?

Design review is intended to be a process for owners, architects and developers to work toward achieving a better community through attention to simple design principles.  Those principles are identified in the guidelines of the City of Naples Design Review Handbook. 

Design review is not intended to address zoning issues.  Please refer to the City of Naples Land Development Code (LDC) for zoning regulations.  If these design guidelines conflict with provisions of the LDC, the latter shall prevail.  Design review offers a flexible approach, an alternative to creating additional prescriptive zoning requirements, which will promote new development that contributes to the public realm.  The City of Naples Design Review Board (DRB) is a volunteer body with experience and expertise to discuss and review the design of a project as it relates to the guidelines and the Naples community.  Further guidelines are found in the DRB Handbook

What projects are subject to design review?

The DRB covers aspects of architecture, landscaping, lighting and signage for the following projects in Commercial, Multifamily, Planned Development (PD), and Public Service (PS) zoning districts:

  • New buildings;
  • Building additions over 1,000 square feet; or
  • Substantial changes to building facades; or
  • Changes to building Awnings (addition or change); or
  • Plans for outdoor dining on 5th Avenue or within any public right of way

Single family zoning districts are not subject to design review.

Project Submission Process

Pre-application meetings are required for all petitions to determine the process and required documents for each project.  A second pre-application meeting is strongly recommended to insure the application package is complete. The complete application must be submitted prior to the submittal deadline to be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.  The DRB normally meets the fourth Wednesday of each month or as adjusted on the schedule below.  

Planning Petition Package Requirements 

Who serves on the DRB?

The DRB is a 5-member board appointed by City Council which includes the following membership (to the extent that qualified volunteers are available): 2 architects;1 landscape architect; and 2 at-large city residents. Architects and landscape architects may reside in the city or Collier County.  Other members must live in the city.  The majority of Board members must be city residents.

For a current list of DRB members please contact the City Clerk at 239-213-1015